Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Frying Pan Farm

Just after this picture was taken, a sheep escaped from his pen after being spooked by a dog (sending the two others into riotous excitement). He ran over and was cornered by the fence behind Clara. Mommy and Uncle Chris were ready to help corral the sheep if needed, and Daddy rescued his princess and gave her a safe view of the excitement. Mommy was feeling a little more brave with the idea than if she had actually had to grab the sheep at full charge.

The baby goat was very playful and friendly. He was also quite curious to taste Clara's ladybug hat. Uncle Chris was on hand and quick to rescue the hat. We also saw newborn pigs that were in the barn under special heat lamps. There were so many and snuggled so close together, it was hard to make out just one!

These little lambs were less than 12 hours old! They were marked with paint to help keep track of the supplemental feedings, since Mama had five and was still panting in the corner under the heat lamp!

She was not as enthusiastic for the chickens and roosters. Can't you tell?

"I found the cows!!!!"
She exclaimed with her recent and now frequent use of pronouns.

It was a long stretch, but we got to pet the calf.

Mama was feeling a little protective of her little one. She didn't mind the crowd, she just wanted to keep a closer eye out.

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