Monday, September 10, 2007

Morning Routine

As our exiting routines from the apartment have gotten more complex with all of us trying to get out the door and Clara being so much more mobile now, we've taken to putting her in the bathroom with us while we get ready. Here we were getting ready to go to Church, and we gave her a toothbrush to keep her occupied. She loved the bristled end, and cleaned her two teeth in no time!

"What do I do with this?"

"Oh... it goes in my mouth."

"Is this right?"

"I've got it!"


Alberto Hurtado said...

I personally like the "light-socket of doom" in the background of all these pictures :)

Unknown said...

She is adorable...
Must be due to her awesome birthday!

Anonymous said...

If the electrical outlet is in a bathroom the circuit is most likely protected by a GFI which should preclude any "doom".

Maria Clare said...

those are the cutest photos!!!!!